This integration have been tested with Ajax Chat v 0.8.7 and WordPress 3.8.1.
Category: integrations
flashchat-6-0-8 and PHP fusion V7.02.03
Flashchat 6.0.8 and PHP-FUSION V7.02.03 Integration. Works also with older version PHP-FUSION v7.02.01 in fact the script was created using this version then tested the version previously announced.. Download available PHP-FUSION v7.02.03 In the v7.01.04…
Flashchat 6.0.8 and PHP-FUSION 7 integration.
Flashchat 6.0.8 and PHP-FUSION v7.01.04 Integration. So here is goes, this is the integration of Flashchat 6.0.8 and PHP-FUSION V7. Disclaimer: FLASHCHAT is property of, this integration is done in good faith, and so…